from airscense

Welcome to
Real Potty Talk!

We agree, potty humor is a bit off-color. Except ours…which is always en pointe and guaranteed to make you ROTL (roll off the toilet laughing).

Think of this as a “safe space” for all those not-so-safe-for-work fart jokes. A dumping ground of dump stories. A poopalooza of poop memes. A turdasaurus of turd words.

Join us as we poke fun at all things below board….with a very long stick of course!

There’s one thing that unites us all: and that’s potty humor.



Are you looking to improve your vulgar vernacular? Or perhaps you’re already potty talking proficient and have some dirty phraseology to share?

The Turdasaurus is an invaluable resource for all potty talking enthusiasts. Think of it as an encyclopedia of sorts, an online treasure chest of poop-oriented prose, a linguistic trading ground where you can lend and borrow the most jaw-dropping, smart-witted, LOL-inducing toilet talk the internet has ever known.

Perhaps you have some craptastic words or phrases to share? By all means be our guest. We’ll even throw a free bottle of Spray & Go your way to show you how excremently grateful we are.

Don’t be poopanoid, no one will know you plopped by to visit.


Ode To Down Under

We feel a wee bit of glum
‘Bout the smells coming out of our bum
No more so that when we sit on the shoot
while doing a bodily toot
But no longer do you have reason to fear
For AT LAST a solution is here
Spray & Go be its use and its name
And it’ll spare you from truckloads of shame
When you spritz it straight into the loo
Before sitting down to deliver a poo
For it keeps all the bad smells at bay
Leaving you free to get on with your day
Without fear of who’ll next enter the room
And catch a whiff of your nasty butt fume
Upon smelling what you’d left behind
Wondering on what in god’s name you just dined
But with Spray & Go they shan’t have a clue
For all the evidence of your last pongy brew
Will be trapped deep inside of the loo!


Spray & Go- because Poo doesn’t belong on the back of the toilet

Give a Crap –
Leave Them with Nothing to Talk About!

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